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A row of self-help and business books stands upright on a table, adjacent to a laptop and a hand typing. The books have colorful covers, including titles like 'Atomic Habits' and 'The 4-Hour Work Week.' The setting appears dimly lit with a focused spotlight on the books, creating a cozy, studious ambiance.
A row of self-help and business books stands upright on a table, adjacent to a laptop and a hand typing. The books have colorful covers, including titles like 'Atomic Habits' and 'The 4-Hour Work Week.' The setting appears dimly lit with a focused spotlight on the books, creating a cozy, studious ambiance.
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Book Sales

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A street market stall is filled with stacks of books and various office supplies. Several large piles of books are tied together, surrounded by packages of paper and some cardboard boxes. A sign with Hindi text and other advertisements is visible above. In the foreground, a part of a bicycle or rickshaw is visible with a person partially in view.
A street market stall is filled with stacks of books and various office supplies. Several large piles of books are tied together, surrounded by packages of paper and some cardboard boxes. A sign with Hindi text and other advertisements is visible above. In the foreground, a part of a bicycle or rickshaw is visible with a person partially in view.
Educational Reads

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A stack of books is neatly arranged in an outdoor setting, likely at a street market or book fair. The focus is primarily on the books, with one featuring a vivid cover image. The background shows an out-of-focus view of the street, with blurred figures suggesting passersby.
A stack of books is neatly arranged in an outdoor setting, likely at a street market or book fair. The focus is primarily on the books, with one featuring a vivid cover image. The background shows an out-of-focus view of the street, with blurred figures suggesting passersby.
A collection of books displayed upright in a bookstore. Prominent titles include 'Rural Britain Then & Now' featuring a cover image of traditional thatched cottages, 'The Baking Bible' with images of eggs and a pie crust, and 'Home and Fashion A Concise History' with a stylized illustration of a woman in a dress. The books are neatly arranged on a shelf with price tags visible.
A collection of books displayed upright in a bookstore. Prominent titles include 'Rural Britain Then & Now' featuring a cover image of traditional thatched cottages, 'The Baking Bible' with images of eggs and a pie crust, and 'Home and Fashion A Concise History' with a stylized illustration of a woman in a dress. The books are neatly arranged on a shelf with price tags visible.
A person with long, wavy hair is holding a book titled 'Mometrix Test Preparation: Secrets Study Guide'. The cover is bright yellow with black text. The background appears blurred, focusing on the book.
A person with long, wavy hair is holding a book titled 'Mometrix Test Preparation: Secrets Study Guide'. The cover is bright yellow with black text. The background appears blurred, focusing on the book.
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